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Technical preview

Technical preview function is in a state that it can be tried. The development is complete, there is documentation and there are samples, tutorials and hands-on labs as appropriate.

The community is looking for feedback on the function before declaring it stable. This feedback may result in changes to the external interfaces.

Survey Action Framework (SAF)

The Survey Action Framework (SAF) enables metadata survey tools to integrate with open metadata repositories by defining the interfaces for surveyor components (called survey action services) to:

  • Access survey request configuration.
  • Search for assets and related metadata in the metadata repository.
  • Extract all the metadata known about a specific asset.
  • Record the results of the analysis in the open metadata repository and attach it to the asset's metadata for later processing.

The results of the analysis are stored in a survey report.

Survey report

The survey report is created automatically in the open metadata repository when the survey action service is started. It is linked to the asset that describes the digital resource.

Survey reports linked from the asset

The results of the analysis are published by the survey acton service to the open metadata repository as annotations. The survey report lists the annotations that were created during the execution of a survey action service. Each annotation may also link to a metadata entity that it describes. For example, if the annotation describes the data in a particular column of a CSV file, it may also be linked to the Schema Attribute entity that describes that column.

Survey reports with their annotations

Annotations are published to report as soon as they are created by the survey action service, so it is possible to process the annotations from a long-running survey before it has completed.


An annotation describes one or more related properties about an asset that has been surveyed by a survey action service.

Different types of annotations provide different types of information.

Annotation type Description
Classification annotation Captures a recommendation of which classifications to attach to this asset. It can be made at the asset or data field level.
Data class annotation Captures a recommendation of which data class this data field closely represents.
Resource profile annotation Captures the characteristics of a resource.
Resource profile log annotation Captures the names of the log files where profile characteristics of the resource are stored. This is used when the profile results are too large to store in open metadata.
Resource measurement annotation Collects arbitrary properties about a data source.
Resource physical status annotation Documents the physical characteristics of a data source asset.
Relationship advice annotation Documents a recommended relationship that should be established with the asset.
Quality annotation Documents the calculated quality scores on different dimensions.
Semantic annotation Documents suggested meanings for this data based on the values and name of the field.
Request for Action annotation Documents details of an issue or situation that needs a steward's attention.

Schema extraction

For digital resources that include structured data, schema extraction documents the data fields present in the digital resource as a schema.

Schema extraction uses the schema analysis annotation. It is linked directly off of the survey report.

Data field entities, one for each data field in the digital resource, are then linked together to show the structure of the data in the digital resource and this structure is linked off of the schema analysis annotation.

schema extraction

The schema of the data in the digital resource is defined in a SchemaType linked from the digital resource's asset using the AssetSchemaType relationship. This may be established before the survey action service runs, or may be derived by the survey action service.

Data profiling

Profiling analysis looks at the data values in the resource and summarizes their characteristics. There are three types of annotations used in data profiling.

resource profiling

For structured data, data profiling needs to run after schema extraction to allow the data profiling annotations that refer to a specific data field to be linked from the appropriate data field entity.

Data class discovery

Data class discovery captures the analysis on how close a data field matches the specification defined in a data class.

Data class discovery

The recommendation for a specific data class are stored in a data class annotation linked off of the appropriate data field. Data class discovery needs to run after schema extraction. It often builds on the information provided by data profiling.

Subsequent stewardship - either automated or with human assistance - can confirm the correct assignment using the DataClassAssignment relationship.

Semantic discovery

Semantic discovery is attempting to define the meaning of the data values in the asset. The result is a recommended glossary term stored as a semantic annotation.

Semantic discovery

These annotations are the metadata discovery equivalent of the Informal Tag shown in 0150 - Feedback in Area 1. It typically takes confirmation by a subject-matter expert to convert this into a Semantic Assignment. Semantic discovery needs to run after schema extraction. It often builds on the information provided by data profiling and data class discovery.

Classification discovery

Classification discovery adds recommendations for new classifications that should either be added to the asset, or to a schema attribute in the asset. It uses the classification annotation to describe the classification and its properties. If the classification is for the asset, the classification annotation is linked off of the survey report. If it is for a specific schema attribute, it is linked off of the corresponding data field.

Classification discovery

Calculating quality scores

Quality scores describe how well the data values, typically in a data field, conform to a specification. For example, do the values match a list of valid values. This type of annotation is often used within a data quality program to provide assessments of the data for different purposes.

Quality Scores

Relationship discovery

Relationship discovery identifies relationships between different resources (or data fields), such as two columns that have a foreign key relationship.

It is possible to create the relationship as a relationship annotation or attach a relationship advice to the survey report.

Relationship discovery

Capturing measurements

The measure annotations capture a snapshot of the physical dimensions and activity levels of the resource at a particular moment in time. For example, it may calculate the size of the resource or the number of users accessing it.

Resource measurements

Requesting stewardship action

A RequestForAction (RfA) annotation is used when a survey action service performs a test on the data (such as a quality rule) or has discovered an anomaly in the data landscape compared to its metadata that potentially needs a steward or a curator's action. The anomaly typically refers to the elements within the asset being surveyed. However, it may be in other data used in the survey process. In either case, it is possible to use a RequestForActionTarget relationship to identify where action is required.

Request for action

The Stewardship Action OMAS is designed to respond to the requests for actions (RfAs).

Survey context

A survey action service is implemented as a specialized connector that is passed a survey context as part of its initialization process.

The survey context provides the survey action service with access to information about the survey request along with the open metadata repository interfaces.

Survey context

The survey context provides parameters used by a survey action service to locate and analyze an asset and then record the results.

Annotation store

The annotation store provides a survey action service with methods to write annotations to an open metadata repository. These annotations describe the results of the analysis performed on an asset by the survey action service.

The annotations are automatically linked to the survey report that is in turn linked off of the analysed asset. Each annotation can also be linked to other metadata elements that is describes.

Survey asset store

A survey action service is able to create a resource connector for the asset it is to analyze using the survey asset store.

Open Metadata store

The open metadata store provides a search interface that enables a survey action service to locate assets and related metadata that are described in the open metadata repository. It is also able to make updates to these elements.

Implementation in Egeria

Survey action services run under the Survey Action OMES hosted in an Engine Host.

The open metadata types for annotations are described in area 6 of the model. The main entity type is called Annotation. It is extended by DataFieldAnnotation to distinguish annotations that refer, primarily to a data field rather than the whole asset. Other more specialist annotations extend these two basic annotation types.

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